Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Understanding Laser Hair Removal

Unwanted hair is common for both men and women. For men, often this hair appears as back hair or shoulder hair. Men can also experience painful ingrown hairs on their back and neck. For women, hair is generally a problem is most areas including the face, neck, upper lip, chin, underarms, and bikini area. The technology to remove and diminish the amount of hair an individual has exists, and its laser hair removal.

Before undergoing laser hair removal, one should determine if the hair growth is unusual for them. If a sudden growth of hair occurs on the face for a woman, this may be a sign of a hormonal imbalance. Such a hormonal imbalance may be due to an irregular menstrual cycle or hormonal changes due to medication. If you fear your hair growth is the result of a sudden shift in your hormonal balance, you should consult your doctor.

Typically unwanted hair is either shaved, tweezed, plucked or waxed. Repeated plucking is difficult and time-consuming, making it impractical over large areas. Aggressive plucking can also lead to skin irritation and scarring over time. Depilatory creams and lotions are also popular, especially over larger areas. These products work by dissolving the hair at the base of the follicle. Often they may be problematic because they can often irritate the skin.

Waxing is among the most popular treatment for removing unwanted hair over a large area. Waxing will only last between two and six weeks and may cause superficial abrasions to the skin. Obviously it can be painful as well, making monthly treatments a dread.

If you have isolated and light colored hairs, Electrolysis is a good option. Though costly and time consuming, Electrolysis is an effective method, though if done improper can cause scarring. Be sure to visit an experienced provider if you choose Electrolysis.

The appeal of laser hair removal is the level of effectiveness and lasting effect of the treatment. The procedure can be performed on virtually any segment of the body from legs and bikini to back and chest. It has a mild pinching sensation during the actual treatment, however patients often comment that this pain is less than that felt during waxing. Laser hair removal is ideal for larger areas too because the speed of the treatment allows for a larger area to be treated in one session. Generally, after three sessions most hairs are removed. Hair will regenerate in the treated area over time, though this can vary between six and twelve months to as many as four or five years depending on the patient. The treated areas also tend to have fewer and thinner hair over time.

Laser hair removal exploits the difference in the pigment between the treated hairs and the skin. The darker hair is, the better it may respond to laser hair removal. For more information please visit

  • Hair Removal Journal


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I had the NdYAG. My Dr. explained that due to my skin color it would work best for me. I had been turned down at other hair removal place because I didn't have light skin and dark hair. I had friends that had the IPL treatments and one now has a faint brown shade under her lip (mustach area). My Dr. said this sometimes happens and it is one of the side effects for IPL treatments. I had my underarms, legs and bikini area done. The NdYag is more expensive, but it doesn't have all the side effects of the IPL. I would do it again. My pain was not that bad. Bikini area I used the numbing cream, but everywhere else no cream.

    2:24 PM  

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