Thursday, September 16, 2010

"Facebook Generation" and Hair Removal

The Hair Removal Journal recently released the results of a poll conducted on their website breaking down the age demographics of people actively searching for laser hair removal.

"...we found the share of young adults (18-29 yr olds) looking to have the procedure performed at its highest levels on record. Of the 1,541 responses in the survey, 61% were in the 18-29 age demographic, up from 43% in 2009. The share of 30-40 year olds has dropped significantly, from 36% to 24%."

What does this information tell us? Perhaps the economic downturn of the last year has hit the 30-40 year old age group harder than the younger generation. After all these are the people more likely to have children and mortgages to consider. Or does it mean that the younger generation has become more susceptible to the pressures of "looking good". I would tend to believe the former.


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